Kindness and Sharing: The Community Helps Us Make Ideas Reality

Early childhood educators are constantly on the hunt, for a good bargain, for a good repurpose of materials, and for a good place to gather resources. Here is a shout out to two of our favorite and most kind-hearted community helpers.

Donated materials for a dry stack wall and an insect hotel

While we pick things up at Community Forklift regularly for the classroom, they have now helped us accomplish two wonderful play yard projects. These are presented in the Community Forklift blog.

Donated materials for an outdoor tic tac toe board

Another collaboration that was helped along by the kindness of Denison Landscaping & Nursery -- an outdoor tic tac toe board. This quick and easy to do project was completed by one of our Tink 2012 World Tour, Dens campers in about 20 minutes. Denison Landscaping & Nursery kindly donated the brick pavers and the river rock.


Fidgets, Delicious Components to a Healthy Sensory Diet


The Cardboard Village